Get rid of duplicate email messages in Outlook Take a lesson from this Best Guide

When people receive multiple emails in their email accounts It is difficult to handle them. This is why we’re all here. The blog in this article outlines a variety of methods to eliminate duplicate email messages from Outlook is discussed. But duplicate emails in an Outlook mailboxes can lead to frustrating issues, such as corrupted mailbox information, performance declines and so on. To resolve all the issues of Outlook it is necessary to eliminate duplicate emails to ensure the continuous flow of work. However, before doing that it is essential to determine the reason for duplicate email messages.
Email is the kind of communication that is popular among business-related users. In the present the majority of small and large information that is shared between users through emails. This makes emails among the top sources of information for users. So, proper management of every mailbox is essential because it holds a lot of important data. When it comes to managing of the mailboxes, the most difficult task is to eliminate duplicate messages from Outlook.
Have you ever noticed duplicate emails inside Outlook? Outlook mailbox?
If you haven’t paid attention to removing duplicate messages from your Outlook email, you may cause a lot of problems. Are you searching for an easy and straightforward solution to get rid of items that have duplicates within Outlook? If so then download the software below at no cost.
It’s a proven method to handle any kind of duplicated items within Outlook in a couple of single clicks. Furthermore, it’s 100% secure and safe to download and eliminate redundant emails out of the Outlook PST file.
How can one remove duplicate emails from Outlook 2016 and 2019?
Microsoft Outlook is the widely utilized email program. Therefore, maintaining it in a functioning condition is crucial. But, having duplicate messages in a mailbox can seriously hinder the efficiency of the program. Beyond that there are many other issues faced by users as follows:
Inability to find a message: If you attempt to find any email using the search feature in Outlook It displays an entire list of messages. It takes more time than you would like to.
Increase the size of your mailbox: If you continue to receive multiple emails in Outlook with attachments, the size of your mailbox keeps growing. But, if the mailbox size is huge, performance decreases.
Take up more space: In the event that the number of duplicates increase this will take up more space within the storage device. the CPU utilization will be greater. Additionally it can increase the risk of data corruption too.
Other issues: There could be a variety of other issues that users face as their time passes. For instance, Outlook becomes slow, freezes, or stops even responding! Furthermore, it may cause corruption to the Outlook PST file also.
Any of the Possible Reasons that Lead Users to Stop duplicate emails in Outlook
Rules are not configured correctly: When rules in Outlook are not properly configured this can cause confusion whenever the email message is delivered. Then, it leads to duplicate emails.
Synchronization Issue: If your inbox updates are very slow it can create issues with synchronization, and result in duplicate mail items.
Incorrect account settings: There is a possibility an email address has been set up twice or on different devices. It is possible that this causes repeated synchronization of the inbox. Therefore, it creates duplicates within the Outlook mailboxes, making users search for ways to eliminate duplicate messages in Outlook.
Mailboxes are not set up correctly: When you creating a mailbox using Outlook and it’s not properly configured it is possible to receiving the same email several times.
Other technical issues: There is a good chance that there is a technical issue with the mail server, which causes the creation of duplicate Outlook items. The primary reason is that you’ve left the messages to the Server option unchecked.
There is no doubt that the reason for duplicate emails in Outlook is significant always. The reason is that it can seriously hinder the performance, stability and efficiency of Outlook. Therefore, it is crucial to get rid of duplicate email messages from Outlook properly.
Simple Tips to Avoid duplicate emails in Outlook
There are a variety of methods for users to try to eliminate duplicate email messages. If you want to learn more about this, keep following the blog.
Trick #1 Rule Configuration Correctly
The initial step to take is ensure the Outlook Rules are configured correctly because it causes confusion among multiple folders of email.
Trick #2: Change the Inbox Update Frequency
You can then alter the Inbox updates in the manner described in the next paragraph:
- The first step is to start MS Outlook and click on the Send or Receive button.
- Once you have that, click Define the Send or Receive Groups option.
- Here, you can select the ‘Schedule an auto-send/receive every’ time interval between 15 and 30 minutes.
Trick #3: Run Inbox Clean-Up Tool to remove duplicate emails from Outlook
Microsoft Outlook has an built-in program called Clean Up tool that can eliminate duplicate messages from Outlook. The tool can be run within Outlook only. To begin the cleaning process of eliminating duplicate emails Follow the steps below:
- To begin, you must first, open MS Outlook application
- Next, you can select Inbox folder, which contains duplicate emails.
- After that, go to the Home menu and choose the Clean Up option.
- Choose one of the following options depending on the reason for repeated occurrences:
- Clean Up Conversation: Eliminate and remove duplicate emails from conversations into the deleted items folder
- Cleaning Up the Folder: Eliminate the duplicate emails from a certain folder
- Clean up Subfolders and Folders: Clean up folders and subfolders in both
5. Finally, right-click on the Deleted Items folder and select the empty folder. This will remove duplicate emails from your Outlook mailbox for good.
Technique #4 AntiSoftware to Defend Against Virus Software
In certain instances, the anti-virus application is also accountable to shut down the Server connection. In the event that the connection isn’t terminated precisely the email message will not flagged upon receipt. This is why there are multiple emails being sent to the mailbox. To confirm this, go into the instruction manual for your anti-virus for the steps method to turn off email protection.
If none of these solutions work is not the case, then try the following option which will assist you in your chosen field and make the job easier for you.
Trick #5: A Professional Solution to Get Rid of duplicate emails from Outlook
If one of these techniques doesn’t work to get rid of duplicate items in the PST files of Outlook Switch to a professional software. Outlook Duplicate item remover a great program that will assist in the removal of duplicate emails as well as calendars, tasks journal entries, notes and and contacts in Outlook. It’s among the best applications to handle duplicate email issues. It allows users to remove redundant Outlook items from several PST/OST folders in batches too. When it comes to removing duplicate emails using email fields, it’s the most effective option to opt for. It also supports ANSI as well as UNICODE types of PST.
How to delete duplicate emails in Outlook:
Step 1. Start Outlook Email Duplicate Remover
Step 2. Find or Browse Outlook for data files
Step 3: Set criteria to check duplicacy
Step 4: Select to remove duplicate emails and other items.
Time to wrap up
The presence of duplicate mailbox items are annoying at times, or create problems. So, a variety of ways to get rid of duplicate messages in Outlook are discussed in this blog. Try them out and remove duplicated items issues within your Outlook mailbox.