Online pharmacies also known as Non Conventional pharmacies are web-based online medicine salespeople who deal in branded and non-branded medicines. Independent web-only sites and the online branches of conventional pharmacies fall under the category of online pharmacy. Modern times are observing a growth in E-commerce which includes the sale and purchase of prescription and nonprescription, branded and non-branded medicines.
As of 2021 Indian online pharmacy stood at a whopping $344.78 Million and is expected to witness a growth of 21.28% by 2027 because of the drastic increase in the number of internet users all over India and all over the globe. The statistics show the number of internet users has drastically increased from 47 million and reached a huge 624 million and the internet penetration rate stood at around 45% in the January of the year 2021
While many online pharmacies only sell prescription medicines there are some pharmacies that don’t require any written prescription. People generally order medicines online to save their time, and money and to avoid the inconvenience of visiting the doctors
Before online pharmacies joined the scene the situation was totally different. The cost of medicines was high and medicines were not easily available in remote locations and rural areas. People have to walk a lot to get good and genuine medicines from genuine offline medicine vendors which was not easy back then. And Nowadays because of the pandemic people usually don’t prefer going out and purchasing stuff by themselves which makes sense, but if we talk about the times before the online pharmacy
In India, online pharmacies are going to grow more because the Indian government has decided to spend ₹5 billion in order to help Indian citizens to be more aware of the online pharmacies and the E-health.
The origin of the pharmaceutical industry Lies back in the Apothecaries and Pharmacies. That offered traditional medications as far as the middle ages people used to trust the “Hit And Miss” method of treatment based on years of folk knowledge. But the modern industry present today has its origin or rise in the second half of the 19th century. The past growing period for the pharmacies was during the wars. When the war ended the new healthcare systems emerged. The United Kingdom’s National Healthcare System (NHS), created a much more structured Healthcare System for medicines prescription and reimbursement.
In the Late 1950’s United Kingdom’s National Healthcare System introduced price-fixing schemes that allowed a sensible return on investment for the medicine manufacturers, increasing their chances to invest in new medicines.
Online\Non conventional pharmacies provide better prices than offline stores because of their increased access, lower transactions, and lower product cost, and they provide more convenience and affordability to the consumers while maintaining their anonymity. As it provides easy accessibility to people who live in remote areas. If we list the benefits of the online pharmacy like easy accessibility to the people in remote and rural areas, discounts are given frequently to the customers. Medicines are provided in a very short time period and that too from licensed pharmacists, and other information is also given like substitutes and side effects of the medicine are also available on their website. People usually think that the medicines they receive from online pharmacies are compared to the medicines sold in traditional pharmacies, “Brick And Mortar Pharmacies”. Just because of the online pharmacies so many problems faced by people while buying medicine have been solved
Like it was a problem to find parking spots and sometimes medicines were not available in the offline stores
In the Modern ERA of the E-pharmacy industry, Indimedo Online pharmacy is one of the popular brands of medicine delivery that provides their customers with more than 95% customer satisfaction, they have medicines for every major disease.
So as a conclusion from the above discussion we know that to survive in the modern ERA of medicine delivery everyone should adapt to the new changes in the pharma industry as the times are changing and everything is becoming digital it is becoming more necessary to adapt to the changes to survive. If you are not willing to adapt to the internet and the advanced changes, then you have to face a lot of problems and you will be deprived of modern advancements in The Pharma Industry